1.)Can being in low classes in high school affect you in college? If so then please explain because I'm worried.
9 answers
What are "low classes"? Your school counsellor should be able to advise you about how to prepare for college, what classes to take, etc.
It depends on the colleges you're looking at and the high school you are attending. Colleges like to see rigor on your transcript so, if the college is very prestigious and your HS offered a lot of rigorous classes-- AP, gifted, honors, dual enrollment, etc.-- that might count against you.
You can probably find a good education at a junior college.
Yes, a community or junior college may be an excellent choice. Admission requirements are not as rigorous as at a four-year school, and if you succeed there, you can transfer to a four-year school. Many good careers are also available to community college graduates.
I want to Attend "University Of South Florida Or USC "California to study engineering
& So do you think I should attend an cummunity college 1st then attend 4 year college?, However wouldn't that mean that Ill be in school for 5 years or 4 years?
We have no idea. Check with your school counselor.
Find out what high school records you need for admission to USC or Univ. of South Florida. Someone in the admissions office at the schools will advise you if you call them, or will send you information. Your school counsellor will, too, and should be able to provide you with information about those schools.
I guess it does count against you if you are faling a class :\ they usually look at your highscool grades. and if you want ot get into a good college, might as well start studying :)