1. A famous scientist once said that wherever in the universe life exists, some of those life-forms must be colored. Why would the scientist make such a statement?

2. One of the accessory pigments used in photosynthesis is beta-carotene, a carotenoid found in high concentration in carrots. When one molecule of beta-carotene is split by an enzyme, two molecules of vitamin A are produced. Removal of a hydrogen atom from vitamin A produces retinal, the pigment involved in vision. Explain why eating carrots is important for good vision.

3. When the CO2 concentration in the cells of a C3 plant is low compared with the O2 concentration, an enzyme combines RuBP with O2 rather than with CO2. What effect would this enzymatic change have on photosynthesis? Under what environmental conditions would it be more likely to occur?

I have no idea.. Please help!

2 answers

I have the same problem ayiayiayiayi
please help me i dont know what im doing too