1. 3 Sn2+ (aq) + 2 Al(s) --> 2 Al3+ (aq) + 3 Sn(s). What is the voltage for this cell?
2. What is the voltage for the cell in question 1 if the Sn2+ (aq) is [.15] and Al3+ (aq) is [1.80]?
3. Using proper line notation, describe the cell described in question 1.
3 answers
And you don't understand exactly what?
I get the first part and how to separate the equation into two, I don't know how to go about the second question and the third question makes no sense to me.
Use Ecell = EoCell - (0.05916/n)log(M^x+)
Eocell is the reduction potential you look up in the table in your text/notes. M^x+ is the concentration of the ion in the problem. (You will note that if you substitute 1 for the ion the log M is 0 and Ecell = Eocell from the tables). All this is is a way of adjusting the voltage because the molarity of the ion is not 1.0M.
After you have each reduction potential adjusted, reverse the equation with the larger negative number (the equation is reversed and the number becomes +), then add in thee other half cell and the sum of the two will give you the new Ecell.
The last part is
Al|Al^3+||Sn^2+ |Sn
I'm sure you've seen this notation before, perhaps you just didn't recognize it from the problem.
Eocell is the reduction potential you look up in the table in your text/notes. M^x+ is the concentration of the ion in the problem. (You will note that if you substitute 1 for the ion the log M is 0 and Ecell = Eocell from the tables). All this is is a way of adjusting the voltage because the molarity of the ion is not 1.0M.
After you have each reduction potential adjusted, reverse the equation with the larger negative number (the equation is reversed and the number becomes +), then add in thee other half cell and the sum of the two will give you the new Ecell.
The last part is
Al|Al^3+||Sn^2+ |Sn
I'm sure you've seen this notation before, perhaps you just didn't recognize it from the problem.