Identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected.
1.The French philosopher Jean-Paul Starte is often assumed(A) to have initiated existential(B) philosophy,but(C) the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard has developed(D) similar ideas much earlier(E).
2.People who have gotten(A) into a lot of accidents(B) in the past are more likely to get(C) into accidents in the future,so its(D) insurance is expensive,too.No error(E)
3.More money avialable for(A) loans means(B) that more businesses(C) can run effective(D).No error(E)
4.Investors who lost money(A) in the stock market crash(B) generally recouped their(C) losses(D) over the next 18 months.No error(E)
5.The first place among the various kinds of music was assigned(A) to indigenous cithara,which was connected(B) with the first develop(C) of the musical(D) art.No error(E)
1 answer
I still can not follow your format. What comes AFTER (A) is that choice? But why is (E) followed by nothing? Perhaps it is: (E) No error?
#3 available is misspelled and (C) should be effectively? Surely it is an adverb.
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