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wait hold up
Questions (1)
which waves have the longest wavlength and lowest energy on the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. x-rays B. infrared C. radio waves D.
2 answers
Answers (11)
wait hold up the complainers are right but we don't have to listen to them and sure connexus does know and sure they don't care and to all the the people i have offended on this website sorry but not sorry
cincoos go ask your parents
okay i'm confused are the answers from random person correct or are the ones from Hola correct please help.
after 10 there are 6 more questions.
ms sue is correct i only come on here to double check my answers it is not cool to cheat so listen to ms sue please.
thx ninja i used hals answers an got twoout of five.
EVERYONE STOP! this website is for people to get together and help with school its not for hurting other peoples feelings and i can't help or change how you think if you went to publice school you would know that the first thing they teach you is,
EVERYONE STOP! this website is for people to get together and help with school its not for hurting other peoples feelings and i can't help or change how you think if you went to publice school you would know that the first thing they teach you is,
Stop and make up youre fricking mind ok ok
mma quit posting for yo self we all know you are and here are three ways i know you are 1. 5 is a 2. i got 4/5 3. who says thx mma its stupid
that doesnt help me.