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On average there are 60,000 hairs on the back, and 120,000 hairs per square inch on the understand. Taken the average size of a cat accounts for about 44 square inches by three feet the average cat has a total of around 40 Million hairs. Now of course this
Counting calories is extremely popular nowadays as everyone wants to ensure they are healthy and happy in life. Women are suggested to consume an average of 2000 calories a day and men are suggested to consume an average of 2200 calories a day. By listing
I believe that you have to really sit back and look into this. Yes there are situations where 1+1 might not always come to 2. Of course this lies precisely in scientific reasoning and not in math occurrences. I think the best example lies in child birth. 1
A gorge is a narrow valley between two hills or mountains. There is also a gorge that is called the "Cornell Gorge" More than likely this is a play on words because if you say "Cornell is Gorges" out loud it may sound like you're saying "Cornell is
For many people it is the fear of aging and being able to do things on their own. For other's it is a sign of a deeply embedded fear of losing the power or abilities they may have.
There are a number of things one can suggest, however I cannot guarantee that any of them will truly work for you. One thing you may want to try is choosing days to go meat free, create menu's, and budget your grocery shopping carefully. Remember to fix
The Mandela affect is a phenomenon where a large group of people seems to remember things the same way, yet differently from others. Examples of this are as follows; Curious George's tail The black tip on Pikachu's tail Nelson Mandela perishing in prison
It depends on who you ask. True love doesn't just happen overnight like movies and stories will make you believe. It takes time to develop. True love isn't just infatuation. It's hundreds of arguments, it's acceptance, it's joy, it's pride, it's learning,
I think there are a lot of ways to answer this question, however I don't think that one answer will truly answer what you want the way you want it. Everyone has their own reason as to why they want to get married. For some it is love, for others they feel
I believe it depends on the type of audience you wish to attract. Facebook and twitter are definitely great choices as they are two of the most popular social media sites. However their popularity is also their downfall as many people don't want to use
Karma I believe is the shortest way of saying "you get what you get". It's believed that it is nature's own way of giving you what you deserve. For example if you are to treat others poorly in life, you may be thrown into a situation where you spend some