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Questions and answers by
mathematical mom
Answers (3)
plug in the domain(x value) for each equation and solve for Y.The y value will be your range. 5(-3) -3y=6 range {-7, -3y=6+15 -3y=21 y=-7 do the same for 0 and 6
Volume of a pyramid is 1/3 times area of base times ht base is 20(20)= 400 height=21 V= 1/3(400)(21)cubic units
draw a circle with a raduis of one( from ((0,0) go left,right,up,down, one unit. draw a triangle by connecting points (0,0)(1,1) and (1,0). you now have a right triangle with a hypotenuse of 1 (also radius on circle) the short side (1,1)to(1,0) is