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Questions and answers by
Peanut butter lover
Questions (4)
Natural Texas and Early People
1. How did the arrival of Spanish explorers affect Native Americans? A. Spanish exploration
7 answers
1.How did the arrival of the Spanish explorers affect Native Americans?
A.Spanish exploration brought settlers who pushed Native
78 answers
What happened when the Spanish found the French colony?
A.they engaged the French settlers in welfare and killed many of them
4 answers
Help! Asap!!!!!Texas State History Unit 2 Lesson 9 7th grade.
1.Last Salle had conflicts with which of the following groups of
21 answers
Answers (34)
I gave you most of that. Now you got to explain and include more stuff and reword what I said. Hope that helps you. :)
You basically get the idea. So don't just take my answers and don't put nothing else with it.You got to go back to Unit 1 Lesson 3 scientific inquiry Page 2 at the top.
As scientist keep doing new experiments they find new answers to questions they weren't even doing the experiment for.
When scientists do one experiment trying to find the answer to one question they sometimes find answers to other questions in that one experiment
You have to take this stuff here and put it in your own words.You know switch some stuff around.
I can't word stuff for you or else I would get caught
The inquiry process is a practical way to approach science, because such a such.
Mrs. Cowart and Mrs.Jones especially Mrs. Jones be going on sites to see who been copying answers. So reword them
But thanks to lun anyway
Lol!!! Y'all gots to do that in your own words or the teacher gone know y'all been on here! Just like how they use that thing called CheckMyWork to see if we been plagiarizing or writing so if y'all do get the answers reword it
Is yall twins or something?
Lol. We know that!
Dagwood dusseldorf are those for the next quick check after this quiz or are you just jiving around?
Am I correct Ms.Sue?
My answer is D
Thank you Ms.Sue!!
I agree with the second tok.I just really want to make a 100% on this cause I got. An overall 94% and I need to have 97s and higher
So what about number one
My answer is a for number 3
But I saw noting saying anything about the king ordered them to. So is my answer correct or wrong
All I know is that they were looking for him to destroy his whole army
The Spanish did go lookimg for him but I didn't see where it says anything about on orders of the king
And for number 2 I think it is A . But I am not sure.
Ok for the first question I think the answer is D.Cause the Karankawa killed all of La Salles men.
Answer wizard is 100% correct!! Thanks !!!
Is C the correct answer
I am going to post this next question on another page.
I trust you a lot more cause all the other kids say you always give the right answers.
Ok.I believe you Writeacher. Thank you for all your help. But could you please help me with one more question.
Is this correct
I really want to get an a on this or my mom will kill me
I was thinking C at first but I still was debating between the two.
Yay I got a 100% Now I'm about to eat 4 triple decker peanut butter sandwiches 2 bowls of cocoa krispies 2 bowls of banana pudding Yum!!!!
Y'all should listen to that song by Sza and Kendrick Lamar "all the stars are closer " I'm so obsessed with this song!!!!!!!!!!