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Questions and answers by
Ms. Kassima (Angela)
Answers (33)
This page is just spam!
Creepypasta is right! Connexus anyway
well, addison is right and i'm not even going to comment about connexus boy 2021
Thanks you1
I hope your dogs lived a good life! My three dogs are dead but they all died at least 2 years ago now. :)
I got 💯% with her answers on both the practice and quick check
I recommend @Jane Doe 👍😉😜
I know you all have important things to say, but we have mourned, and look around the site if you must, but if the first post was posted in 2019, I think this page needs to end. We will always have good memories. Please don't dislike! I was sad when she
@Blackweb for being new to Jiskha you good! :)
Thanks I did johns though
Just listen to the question and then the comment after that? Commen sense anyone? That's how I got my answer.
This whole page is a mess and I trusted arianna. I think that was her name. Connexus person some of your answers don't even exist.
yo i need help with this
sorry needed it too
Hey guys, just dropping in. Wanted to say that cheating is very bad and it never gets you ahead, but I get it in some cases.
Don't listen to anonymous. Got a 1/4
Guys! NEDD THE ANSWERS BAD! Also, stop putting fake answers out just to say something. It really is rude.
Until @no name 4 u lol, and after, I was lost. Listen to him/her (don't know). Please! They are right! READ THIS POST!
Thanks guys! :)
Connexus Gurl is right, I don't know why you guts who put out the wrong answers do that just to say something. It is really wrong and gives people bad grades. Thanks again connexus gurl.
Sorry, never mind
White Owl is 7/8 correct, but that is a good grade still :)
Thanks Guys!
I really just needed help on the last one because I was very unsure of the definition of meekly. Honest not lying.
I meant to put a comma at the location of in between the right and this and not and a. So really it looks like not, a bad word. & thats right, this person.
What. What the heck does fick mean. Yea that's right this person just typed and tried to make it seam ok when it's really not a bad word. This is a website that kids such as myself come to and words like such shouldn't be used.
I don't understand the Mrs. Sue part, but let's just get back to the problem. It really doesn't matter if it is fake or not, but you know what does matter? This Problem! Let's get back on track.
Yes!!!!!! 10/10!!!!! Conxxus is 100% correct. Please trust me I just took the practice.🙏🏼
Ok, about to turn in, I will say who is correct when I do.
Thanks for answering your own question and for the answers! good job!😀
I'll help. Anyone else?
Yassssss Writeteacher! SO helpful.............not! DOnt come!!!!!!!
I go by Angela, so any any Ms. Or Mrs. Or Mr. could literally be fake so...........................yea. Oh and, Mr.urmom, you are clearly not the new replacement for Ms. Sue. The replacement would go by ms. sue 2 or something.