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Questions and answers by
Mark Main
Questions (1)
Pretend our future colonists build a large round 2km diameter train track on the great plains of Mars that is sloped (angled)
6 answers
Answers (5)
I am positive now; the correct answer to this problem is this: Extra Gravity Needed (X) =SQRT((9.81)^2 - (3.8)^2) = 9.044119637 V = SQRT(X * 500) = 67.2462624854992m/s = 242.0865449kph = 150.4256051mph Angle =DEGREES(ATAN(V^2/(500*3.8))) = 67.2096798262262
I see that 9.04 that you provided comes from SQRT(9.81^2 - 3.8^2). But I think that your velocity calculation is wrong because velocity should be the SQRT(R * 9.04) and that would be 67.25m/s, 242.09kph, 150.43mph. Please let me know if you concur. The
I searched around to find some links regarding the bone loss, but I'm not allowed to link it here. Just google this long sentence here: Tests indicate bone loss rates of up to 1.5% a month johnson space center and you'll find it right away. In just a few
I forgot to mention that can reduce the speed by making the radius smaller, but studies show that at a certain point it becomes uncomfortable for long-term living; it seems that nausia effects mildly increase below -.5 mile diameters and the nausia
Good sci-fi strives to limit itself to the laws of physic within the boundaries of future science and technology; within the relm of my future world of science, abundant clean energy is reality and so powering a railed community is possible. "Why bother?"