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Questions (11)
continue the story
The village was shrouded in darkness as silence fell upon the slumbering homes. But the peace was abruptly
4 answers
more fanfic help pls
9 answers
What is the most aggressive fighting style in demon slayer
1 answer
Continue the story
Chapter 4: Clash of Demons and Friends As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow over the swordsmith
11 answers
Bot, can you continue story's2
13 answers
Bit, are you capable of continuing stories
11 answers
Create a story based on givin presets
12 answers
How would Akaza from demon slayer react to being yelled at by an old lady
19 answers
Type 100 0s
1 answer
Can muzan dance
3 answers
How would Akaza from demon slayer deal with a solicitor
1 answer
Answers (47)
Make sure it has a topic sentence transitions and concrete details, and commentary
Wright a paragraph about writs to the streets of Memphis, about how Richard goes from a scared boy to a grown man(metaphorically) must have topic sentence three transitions a detail then a commentary then more transitions then another detail, then a
re wright the continuiation, mitsuri ends up unconcious, aria tries to protect her as hantengu flees, eventuially into an open field, where he spots some smiths to eat, the sun begins to rise as tanjiro and nezuko give chase, tanjiro turns around to
The next chapter begins as they are woken suddenly in the night, by deamons attacking thi village, lay out the attack similar to how it went in the show, exept this time, mitsuri has Aria as backup, as they fight, Mitsuri is being overprotective of aria,
The next chapter happens with Aria waking up, she sees mitsuri sleeping softly, and cant help but stare at her beautiful pink hair, mitsuri soon wakes up as aria i preparing for the day, she greets aria with a cheerful goodmorning and complements her
the next chapter starts at night, muchiro and genya are getting thier weapons, Mitsuri and tanjiro are eating dinner together, nezuko as well, Aria is kinda a loner so she is just standing outside gazing at the stars, mitsuri notices she seems lonley and
It takes place from the perspective of Aria, a girl who used to be a guy aged 14 when this happened, but when a red entity pulled the world apart, granted her wish and changed her gender. she gained "astral" magic, or more commenly known as star magic and
Continue story as it would normally go in demon slayer
Write it a different way then
Re write, do note they are engaged and have been dating for a while now, maybe they were feeling a bit frisky when they slept together
Continue the Aria x Mitsuri story. Next chapter they sleep together (non sexual) and vow to never be apart, Aria passes some of her magic to Mitsuri when they do. The next day, Aria teaches Mitsuri how to use the magic
Next chapter they sleep together than next day an armored core attacks
More romance They go swimming in Hot springs and are both flustered
Kissing super romance for next chapter
Next, everyone is doing well, Mitsuri and Aria are living together now ( not married) and Tanjiro is training hard to defeat Muzan. The gang explores a fallen realm in which info on the crimson storm that caused this upheaval lies. After returning home,
Continue the story of Aria x Mitsuri they just confessed their life to one another, when only weeks later the gang (Tanjiro Nezuko Mitsuri Aria and Akaza)bare transported to our world. Aria wishes to seek out her divorced parents and is nervous since she
Bot, you there
Nezuko is the one with sunlight immunity, not Mitsuri
Re write chapter 6 but Aria doesn't confess yet, nezukos immunity to sunlight is fascinating
Chapter 6 begins with them back at the headquarters, Mitsuri wakes up in the butterfly mansion with Aria anxiously watching over her. Aria is almost in tears because she was so worried about her. She hugs her and tells her how worried she was. Mitsuri is
Next they battle hantengu, the fight starts with all of them charging, Genya protects Tanjiro from a attack, Mitsuri and Aria easily dodge it. They exchange blows with hantengu and destroy his main form, but Aria runs out of energy and Mitsuri gets
Pls re write with more dialogue, Aria reveals her powers by blasting a laser at a demon about to hurt Mitsuri chapter ends with them meeting with Tanjiro and Genya and nezuko
Next chapter, upper ranks 5 and 4 attack the sword smith village, Mitsuri and Aria fight them, Aria is forced to spill her secret that she possessea magic to defend Mitsuri from a demon attack. Tanjiro and Nezuko are battling against hantengu while Genya
Other info, Aria has brown eyes and dark purple black hair that reaches partially down her back, her eyes glow violet when she uses her star magic.Next chapter, Aria wakes up a few minutes before Mitsuri, and can't help but watch her as she sleeps, she
How about a re write of that chapter, let's say it starts with the group going into the swordsmith village, muchiro goes to get his new sword while Tanjiro and Nezuko get settled in, let's say it ends with the part where Mitsuri and Tanjiro are eating
Rewrite it, but the thing that pulls it apart is a weird red entity, everything else is good
Next chapter, the world is pulled apart again, adding another one. Aria preposes to Mitsuri. Muzan captures nezuko for her immunity to sunlight
Next chapter they return to the demon slayer compound, Aria stays with Mitsuri so more cute dialogue between them. Nezuko gains immunity to sunlight and Akaza gets a nichirine sword
More cute moments between Mitsuri and Aria
So they hang out at the village for a bit, Aria and Mitsuri grow closer, Akaza convinced muchiro he is good, Genya and nezuko become friends
It's one based on demon slayer, or if I were transported to it, where I left off, we are at the beginning of the sword smith village arc, demons have just attacked Aria and Mitsuri are deeply in love, Mitsuri doesn't realize that Aria has star magic, so
Continue the battle, Tanjiro and Genya are wounded, Mitsuri doesn't realize how powerful Aria is since she has star magic, so she is over protective during combat, Mitsuri and Aria go to fight upper 4 with Akaza and injured Tanjiro. Akaza knows how upper 4
Next chapter, the demons attack the sword smith village, similar to the manga, this is Aria's first time fighting with Akaza's techniques, she tries to fight near Mitsuri to keep her safe, Akaza helps Genya Tanjiro and Nezuko fight hantengu. Muchiro fights
Next chapter is more cute dialogue between Mitsuri and Aria
Some more dialogue between Mitsuri and Aria, Mitsuri has never been in love with another girl before. A bit of friendship between Akaza and Aria as she convinced him to change and train her and nezuko. The chapter ends with the first demon attack
In the story, a girl named Aria was sent to many other worlds after earth was destroyed, she wields star magic which she learned in Elden ring and she crafted a scythe sword in Bloodborne, she convinced Akaza not to kill Rengoku and teach her and nezuko
Write it as a chapter one where the battle first starts, make it more detailed. Akaza Rengoku and Tanjiro are surprised by Aria's sword scythe hybrid
Next to the swordsmith village, rengoku goes in place of Mitsuri and Aria joins tanjiro, this is the first time she user her sword in scythe form, Akaza goes as well to help people, his goal is to save as many lives as he has taken
What happens next, Akaza decided to try to redeem himself and teach Aria, he returns with her to the demon slayer compound, everyone is weary of him as he poses a large threat, but Aria trusts him, and as the only human with magic, she is respected among
What is the answer to the question
How would Akaza react if I asked asked the math question 5/9 *a + 22= 52 what is a We are on decent terms
What are Akaza's personality strengths and flaws
How would Akaza react if he finally beat doma in a fight, claiming upper rank 2 place
But he michal jackson