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Questions and answers by
IDK BTW im a cow
Questions (5)
is a fox better at hearing then a deer?
3 answers
this is a yes or no question, can a deer hear better then a tiger?
9 answers
why is it that my airpods are always solid blue when i try to pair them? iv tried everything but their always just solid blue
1 answer
i disconnected my tablet (my airpods connected to my tablet with a solid blue light) and my airpods are still a solid blue
11 answers
why won't my airpods flash white when i hold the button when it's fully charged?
11 answers
Answers (15)
whats a foxes hear in herts?
tell me how good is a deer's eyesight to a humans
how far can a deer hear something?
now i already know that deer's can hear up to 54,000 hertz so how many exactly can a tiger hear?
now tell me how
the sound for the lid and material quality are both correct and have the same things as you said they should have
um.. well here's another tip of information. the case for the airpods feels smooth and somewhat actually soft to touch its like i could touch it for hours and never stop.
my airpods as i took them out of the case have black lines on them that when i touch them (when my airpods were connected to my tablet) they would paus the video if i touched them right.
my audio quality is amazing! and my battery life lasts hours upon hours
here's the thing. my airpods connected to my tablet (the first time i got them) and they staid that solid blue light. but they still connected to my tablet... does this mean their fake?
but here's the thing.. my airpods connected to my tablet when their light was solid blue.. what does this mean? is it normal?
is it ok for it not to flash white but stay blue? and there also fully charged
my bluetooth is already connected with my tablet.. so should i un-connect them? is that the problem?
then why doesn't my airpods connect to my laptop (computer)?
how do i know my aripods are real?