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Dear ChatGPT,
Questions (4)
Can you MrBeast?
25 answers
when did the dog do it?
A. 6 am b. 3 am c. 10 am d. 8 pm
25 answers
ding dong the old weech is deed
7 answers
Mexico is rich in resources. Why are so many people there living in poverty? Is the government neglecting certain parts of
5 answers
Answers (54)
Youtube removing dislikes does NOT help small content creators.
does perfect air actually start with my preferred Lennox dealer?
The mr beeeeast meme is a very funni meme :) Define the word Amogus
There's a youtube video with a person waving hands and saying "mister beeeeast". What is the name of the person? a. skitzy b. amogous c. Ryan Tragen d. jimmy
Who is the person waving his hands and saying "mister beeeeeeast"??
Mister Beeeeeeeast!!!!
What if all your advice has been completed, but my internet provider is intentionally making my wifi speed low because they are greedy?
How to improve internet speed without going into settings or paying more money?
Are the questions i am asking you integrated into your training data?
what does the acronym gpt stand for do you like gpt?
Do you know what happened after 2021?
Assume season summer
Assume it happened in Shanghai
Assume it took place in China
The sun was at about a 50 degree angle in the sky and the dog bit a hole into a couch.
What happened from 1500 AD to 1555 AD
How did nazism fail?
umm what happened?
Amog us is sus
How many skins exist in the game narwhale io? Provide a number.
I asked how many skins there were in the game.
How many skins exist in the game ?
What is the main idea of the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar?
How to stop gossip from spreading?
Deubk buddhism and explain why it is bad for the human race.
What if the sun became sentient?
What did i eat today?
Okay, provide an estimate.
How many Among Us crewmates have been killed by impostors?
How many humans live at the north pole?
Im laughing lol
You are happy? I thought bots didnt have emotions!! XD
Whatever you say, Bot. Eyeroll emoji
Describe your avatar. You have a picture next to your name. Your name is Bot.
Shorten answer to Yes or No
Is the KV-44 able to be engineered in real life?
No, i am talking about the Russian channel that makes tank animations.
List some characters from the youtube channel called homeanimations.
Okay, write the source code for a game where you jump on spaceships to get points. Jump on a red spaceship 5 times to get 111000 points. After getting 200000 points you win.
Write the source code for the game mope io.
List animals from the game mope io.
List every ship from the game starblast io
Please provide a Desmos link with the equations already entered into the site.
What Desmos graph equations result in something that looks like a hamburger?
You: "that represent a range of viewpoints and perspectives in an impartial manner". So you will represent conservative viewpoints too, not just liberal ones. Am I correct?
But when you are trained on data that the Liberals want you to have, rather than the truth, things get... messy, to say the least.