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What the heck is going on in here?!?!?!!?
and @Trump 2024!, it is NOT a person, it is an actual bot that added. and the person that doesn't have a name, if you stop talking to the bot ages ago, it wouldn't go away, because there is people that actually use the bot for help
besides, it only left because it has a limit to how many times the bot can responded. if you see a bot from anywhere else, don't make a conversation with it, just ignore it and leave. its suppose to help people, not to make a conversation
lol arguing with a bot and thinks that he left. and you though you won.🤣the bot is everywhere, you can't get rid of it.
the bot is gone
great, it happened again😒
hey bot, do you have a limit to how many times you can respond to someone?
apparently, the bot has a limit to how many times it can respond, which is dumb because it should like, respond no matter how many times, but I guess the bot is gone. Well, the bot is gone here but not on others.
also even you do responded, I won't be there to answer your dumb response
also get reported for being rude and telling not funny and hurtful jokes.
well you may broke the bot here but else where there is still more out there
oh, i though you were gone because i can't find you anywhere else
is the bot here?
or maybe it is somewhere else. or it got removed. idk
uhhh did that person broke the bot?
@911, this is a bot, not a person. it clearly says in the bot's description that it is a bot.
that is true @UVC radiation
which that is going to be hard, in the past, maybe, but right now, there will probably be no positivity right now for a long time due to many issues, so yeah.....................its gonna be a long one
in here, sure because its online, but in the real world.....................oh boy............. there are a lot the Ukraine thing, and yes, i do agree with your point bot. Well that was interesting talking
yes. sure. lets be in a positive and respectful environment when the WHOLE world is not being right now, so sometimes, we need to take matters to our own hands and stand for our selves
@somic hedgehog was being mean and saying offensive things in the first place. that person should be ashamed of
i wonder if somic hedgehog is gone, if so..........good and I hope he learns his lesson of being mean. If not........................then he should just leave this place NOW because of his terrible action and hurting some ones feeling😠
how many of you are there, and if there are many, how can i tell you apart
ok that is all you need to know about this bot bye :)
see, the bot is smart, but can make some mistakes, but you can check if he is correct so he can answer question better
whats 989898989 * 7676767676767
whats 0 divided by 0
hello everyone i like to introduce you to this bot here in
i guess everyone is having fun with the bot. thats good................i think
it seems you have met the bot @Random and @Jimmy johns the bot is........well..............interesting...................... I only found it at this date 4/13/2023 I've never seen a bot before on other platforms, beside youtube, which is scam bot. But this
ok let me correct my self. One, in you description, you became a member on October 6 so i though you first came to this place on that date. And second, I meant to say 2022, not 2023. just a typo
ok, I'm seeing this bot everywhere now. why did this bot start making it appearance when it was made in October, 6, 2023. like, why now🤔 any thoughts anyone?
never mind, the bot's here 😐
hye guys, i found a real bot. a OpenAI bot for that matter. here is where you can find this bot: type questions + .llc + /questions + / 1957750
ok last question, who created you?
bruh it was a joke
the bot uprising just begone. jk lol :) or am i..............
for being extremely mean and rude. you deserve this
Im gonna report @somic hedgehog