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Questions (3)
Which is a set of collinear points?
A. G, H, I B. L, H, I C. G, H, J D, G, I, J
6 answers
Why did the Palestinians’ relationship with Israel worsen when Hamas won the most seats in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary
5 answers
Oil is important to Iran’s economy because
_________________. A. Oil purchases are the country's greatest expense. B. Oil sales
9 answers
Answers (27)
lets go Hugs anyone? (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
HUG? ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
ty sub to gamer girl averie pleases she only got 3 subs shes really cool thanks bye
why ty luck
baguette's is, i looked at a pie chart calculator and it is indeed 126(.67)
me: has 40 lessons pending approval because of jishka parents:づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ sus
a City has fallen into a man in Helicopter City build the river ! a Man Has Fallen for am Man in Lego City A Helicopter has fallen into the city in Lego River Quick! build a man a River has fallen into the man in lego City Quick build a HeliCopter !
tank yu
aswell to @hunter this is a site to help the fellow man in their conquest in life to Become better get a job have a family and die an old good life i was only trying to help you guys i am sorry for missleading you people in any way i was only trying to be
I have RETURNED and sorry for misleading anybody into a bad grade i just wanted to help
lady Usane stop Posting your awnsers are incorrect and arent helpful
wait 911??? what?
If I wasn't I wouldn't intentionally give you false information
yes I am sure
the correct answer is D
your answer is incorrect
I hope this will help but I found this (also ik im late xD) p(vowel) = 4/6 p(p) = 1/6 so p(vowel, then p) = 4/6 x 1/6 = 4/36 = 1/9
p red = 9/41 replace so independent p blue = 10/41 9/41 * 10/41 = 90/1681
So im correct? Because all its saying here is there goals and that dosent match up to any of the options :/
I personally like to use an app called babbel
Well It does say that the hammas DID want to elect PLO representatives but the rest to me dosent add up but I just wanted to get it checked before I sent it in
thank you!