write a gruesome poem filled

  1. write a gruesome poem filled with major cussing and language about a guy who got his face hugged by a facehugger.
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 21 views
  2. write a gruesome poem filled with major cussing and language about a guy who got his balls bitten off by a raptor.
    1. answers icon 11 answers
    2. views icon 30 views
  3. write a gruesome poem filled with major cussing and language about a guy who got his face hugged by a facehugger. you know, the
    1. answers icon 11 answers
    2. views icon 29 views
  4. Read the poem “the kiss” below and write a detailed analysis of the poem’s meaning and language.Questions: 1.) What is the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Lorylee asked by Lorylee
    3. views icon 565 views
  5. Read the description of Grendel from the epic poem Beowulf.If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day; he will glut himself on
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. ebk dst asked by ebk dst
    3. views icon 114 views
  6. write a poem filled with major languae about a guy who got eaten by an indoraptor.
    1. answers icon 9 answers
    2. views icon 31 views
  7. write for me five paragraphs, each one featuring a gruesome death at the jaws of a carnivorous dinosuar, go into extreme detail.
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. views icon 35 views
  8. write an extremely mouthy and langauge-filled poem called 'How The Zomb's Lost Thier Heads'
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. views icon 13 views
  9. WriteOnce you have jotted down some ideas to brainstorm, write a poem based on the following prompt: What has value? Write a
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. cool; asked by cool;
    3. views icon 65 views
  10. write me a poem filled with major language/cuss words about a mean old git who lost his balls.... his nuts.... his jewels... his
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. views icon 17 views