vincenzo went apple picking of

  1. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
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    2. views icon 245 views
  2. Vincenzo went apple picking of the 34 apples he picked four turned out to be bad how can Vincenzo calculated the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 19 views
  3. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 24 views
  4. vincenzo went apple picking of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out bad how can vincenzo calculate the percentage of apples
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Matthew worland king asked by Matthew worland king
    3. views icon 27 views
  5. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 5 answers
    2. views icon 163 views
  6. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 21 views
  7. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Jojo asked by Jojo
    3. views icon 230 views
  8. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. lizzy asked by lizzy
    3. views icon 103 views
  9. Vincenzo went apple picking. Of the 34 apples he picked, 4 turned out to be bad. How can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Alex asked by Alex
    3. views icon 345 views
  10. Vincenzo went apple picking of that 34 Appleseed pigs four turned out to be bad how can Vincenzo calculate the percentage of
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 15 views