give me a sentence that

  1. Create a hook sentence with a question things are not working in your favor? Write an inspiration message about don’t give up
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  2. Create a hook sentence with a question feeling losing hope. Write an inspiration message about don’t give up on God because he
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    2. views icon 33 views
  3. Our new doghouse is so fancy, even Smokey himself will not step inside!Read the sentence. Why does the author use the word
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    2. views icon 24 views
  4. “I know not what course other May take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”If Jerome only wants to use part of
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    2. views icon 85 views
  5. Create a different hook grabber other than this one:How can one person make a difference that can change the world? With
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    2. views icon 17 views
  6. A paragraph should have a strong topic sentence, and then other sentences which give details and facts to support it. Read each
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. PPOP asked by PPOP
    3. views icon 102 views
  7. The judges themselves said it was the worst performance they had ever seen.Read the sentence. Why does the author use the word
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 31 views
  8. How can the English sentence, “She did not give the dog a cookie” best be interpreted into ASL gloss?(3 points) Responses
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    2. views icon 85 views
  9. Word Choice Quick Check 8A Language Arts1- Which term does this sentence demonstrate? 2- Which phrase can replace smell to give
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. unicorn rose gold asked by unicorn rose gold
    3. views icon 1,359 views
  10. give me examples for all of themaudience – readers, listeners, or viewers complex sentence – a sentence with an independent
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 41 views