add. write the doubles fact

  1. add. write the doubles fact used to solve each one.0+1=1 6+7 =13 4+3=7 please explain how to use doubles plus 1 and doubles
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    2. eduardo asked by eduardo
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  2. add. write the doubles fact used to solve each one.0+1=1 6+7 =13 4+3=7 please explain how to use doubles plus 1 and doubles
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    2. EDUARDO asked by EDUARDO
    3. views icon 743 views
  3. Tia is using doubles facts to solve this near doubles fact.4+5=___ Part A Which doubles fact will help her find the sum of 4+5 ?
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    2. views icon 16 views
  4. Tia is using doubles facts to solve this near doubles fact.4+5=___ Part A Which doubles fact will help her find the sum of 4+5 ?
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    2. views icon 15 views
  5. how to explain to my son write doubles fact you can use to find the sum.Write the sum 2+3=
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. scott asked by scott
    3. views icon 487 views
  6. Write a program that prompts a user to input three doubles and then prints these three doubles backward on the screen. in java
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 30 views
  7. Paula has 3 crayons. Amanda has 1 more crayon than Paula. How many crayons do they have in all? Use a doubles-plus 1 fact to
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 9 views
  8. The teacher asks Ana to revise her conclusion because it states anew fact instead of summing up her essay. Ana really wants to
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    2. Cyclops says (to me) Marvel Strike Force asked by Cyclops says (to me) Marvel Strike Force
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  9. The teacher asks Ana to revise her conclusion because it states a new fact instead of summing up her essay. Ana really wants to
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 60 views
  10. The teacher asks Ana to revise her conclusion because it states a new fact instead of summing up her essay. Ana really wants to
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. views icon 68 views