Write and explain briefly the

  1. a) briefly explain one significant factor that influenced voting patterns during the period from 1865 to 1900. b) briefly
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    2. views icon 167 views
  2. .Briefly write down all the natural cycle of gases (Carbondioxide, Nitrogen, sulphur and Oxygen). Q2.What are Ozone Layer
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    2. views icon 28 views
  3. 1.Explain the following questions brieflyWhat is inclusive socicty? How can we create inclusive society? Discuss briefly the
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    2. views icon 96 views
  4. (a) Briefly explain ONE specific part of Henry Clay's proposedAmerican System. (b) Briefly explain why ONE region favored the
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    2. views icon 128 views
  5. Explain the following answers with a half page each1. Describe with your own example how change promotes innovation? 2.Discuses
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    2. views icon 84 views
  6. Answer (a), (b), and (c).(a) Briefly explain ONE specific development in the opposition to slavery in the period 1820 to 1860.
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    2. asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by asked by
    3. views icon 152 views
  7. Write and explain briefly the methods available for on the job and off the job training
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    2. Ayansa Dabesa soboka asked by Ayansa Dabesa soboka
    3. views icon 84 views
  8. Briefly explain why a business would write off depreciation on its assets?
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    2. Mohale Rethabile asked by Mohale Rethabile
    3. views icon 415 views
  9. 2. a.Briefly explain the classes of language translators given at-least an example for each b. Define communication software and
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Abdulrazak umar Usman asked by Abdulrazak umar Usman
    3. views icon 82 views
  10. Briefly outline a procedure you could use to determine the HC2H3O2 concentration in a vinegar sample.What would the pH be at the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Austin asked by Austin
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