Why is the Dragon Quest

  1. Describe the Dragon character in the story belowA brave princess and her three friends sets out on a quest to rescue her kingdom
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    2. views icon 57 views
  2. Give the Dragon a name and description for the story below focusing on personality traits, without magicA brave princess and her
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  3. Give me character names for the story below"The Princess and the Dragon": A brave princess sets out on a quest to rescue her
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  4. Give character names and description for the story belowA brave princess and her three friends sets out on a quest to rescue her
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    2. views icon 42 views
  5. Give character names and description for the story below focusing on personality traits, without magicA brave princess and her
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  6. Consider this text:"Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a brave knight named Sir Galahad. He was known throughout
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    2. views icon 19 views
  7. Why is the Dragon Quest sieries not popular in america? Final fantasy is, but DQ came out before, so i still dont understand why
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    2. Your bad luck charm asked by Your bad luck charm
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  8. Write a dialogue of the beginning of the story below which is scene 1 (1000 words) where the characters are introduced and they
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    2. views icon 49 views
  9. Write a dialogue of the beginning of the story below which is scene 1 (1000 words) where the characters are introduced and they
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  10. from Beowulf, “The Battle with the Dragon” and “The Death of Beowulf”Which of these names the protagonist/antagonist
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    2. Red Rider asked by Red Rider
    3. views icon 145 views