What would Sword 3: Zeno

  1. Zeno, the Sword of Eternity:Zeno, the Sword of Eternity, is a legendary weapon shrouded in mystery and imbued with cosmic power.
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  2. What would Sword 3: Zeno Power#1: It is a close-range stand that can deliver lightning-fast slices when it is close to the
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    2. views icon 103 views
  3. What should be this swords awaking called?:Sword 3: Zeno Power#1: It is a close-range stand that can deliver lightning-fast
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    2. views icon 104 views
  4. Archimedes, Hypatia and Zeno shared a sum of money.Archimedes received 1/6 of the money. Hypatia and Zeno shared the rest of the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 421 views
  5. Can you make a 4 sentence long description on a attack called: Sword Phase, (Even when blocking the sword will phase through the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 112 views
  6. Power#3: Sword Phase is a unique attacking technique that allows the user to bypass their opponent's defense, even when they are
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    2. Z asked by Z
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  7. Hunaruan (who has a sword) vs Nethstel (who has a sword)but they are not killing each other only to the wounded one
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    2. Nah asked by Nah
    3. views icon 90 views
  8. Why does the expression "live by the sword,die by the sword" apply to Robespierre?
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. Samiboo asked by Samiboo
    3. views icon 467 views
  9. I left out the following sentences. i have problems in finding appropriate reporting verbs and linkers. Thank you.1) Outside the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Henry2 asked by Henry2
    3. views icon 1,030 views
  10. I'm still working on learning my commas and just checking to make sure I'm understanding correctly. In the sentence, "One tale
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Brandi asked by Brandi
    3. views icon 464 views