What is the mobile phase

  1. Our mobile phase should be prepared in a mixture that has a ratio of 4:1:1 of 2-propanol:acetic acid:water.Calculate the volume
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    2. paige asked by paige
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  2. My mobile phase for HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) test consists of 3 components in the ratio 5:250:745. In
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    2. angie asked by angie
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  3. I have a question on thin layer chromatography (TLC).My mobile phase (i.e. developing solvent) is a mixture of 2 non-polar
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    2. Anne asked by Anne
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  4. If i have a highly polar mobile phase, what will happen to the non-polar or less polar compounds during chromatography? will
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  5. a) Explain stationary phase and mobile phase in thin-layer chromatography.b) In thin layer chromatography, the stationary phase
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    2. LEO asked by LEO
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  6. How do i calculate plate number, distribution constant, mobile phase and stationary phase volume for tlc not HPLC/ GC
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    2. Pharmacy asked by Pharmacy
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  7. Could you tell me,what is the specific mobile phase of lycopene when stationary phase is silica? Thank you.
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    2. sine asked by sine
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  8. 1.)The silica that makes up the stationary phase in TLC chromatophraphy is more polar than the mobile phase. What then might the
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    2. Kris asked by Kris
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  9. You are carryingout TLC on normal phase plates. Compound A has an Rf of 0.4 and compound B of 0.6. What would happen to the Rf
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    2. Bailey asked by Bailey
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  10. You are carryingout TLC on normal phase plates. Compound A has an Rf of 0.4 and compound B of 0.6. What would happen to the Rf
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    2. Bailey asked by Bailey
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