The shock absorbers in the

  1. One way to model a vehicle is as a massive object that is connected by springs and shock absorbers to the wheels. Here is a
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    2. sengeni asked by sengeni
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  2. Stress buffer model of social support: social support moderates the effects of stress (it serves as a shock absorber).- This
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  3. Two people with a combined mass of 135 kg hop into an old car with worn-out shock absorbers. This causes the springs to compress
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    2. Cooper asked by Cooper
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  4. Two people with a combined mass of 130 kg hop into an old car with worn-out shock absorbers. This causes the springs to compress
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    2. shaz asked by shaz
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  5. a car with bad shock absorbers bounces up and down with a period of 0.731s after hitting a bump. The car has a mass of 1850kg
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    2. April asked by April
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  6. Which of the following best describes the term “torque”?A set of springs or shock absorbers to smooth a vehicle’s ride A
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    2. ^_^ asked by ^_^
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  7. Why is shock so dangerous? Shock can make a person dangerously cold and could cause frostbite Shock makes it difficult for a
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  8. Your friends are travelling at 100 km/hr in a 1081 kg car with broken shock absorbers down a smooth concrete highway in Japan.
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    2. azmeer asked by azmeer
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  9. The shock absorbers in the suspension system of a car are in such bad shape that they have no effect on the behavior of the
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    2. Catherine asked by Catherine
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  10. The shock absorbers in the suspension system of a car are in such bad shape that they have no effect on the behavior of the
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    2. Natasha asked by Natasha
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