The accident........if the motorist had

  1. A motorist A leaves a small town and drives East at 28 ms-1 . A second motorist B is driving South towards the same town at 23
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    2. jp asked by jp
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  2. A motorist traveling at 30 m/s passes a parked police car. At the instant the motorist passes the police car, the police car
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    2. Krystal asked by Krystal
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  3. What is the speed of motorist B?By what percentage did motorist A increase his speed for the second hour from the first hour?
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    2. zoha asked by zoha
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  4. A police radar has an effective range of 1.0 km, and a motorist's radar detector has a range of 1.9 km. The motorist is going
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    2. Amber asked by Amber
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  5. A motorist travels 1600 m at 80 m/s and 750 m at 100 m/s. What is the average speed of the motorist for this trip.
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    2. Ron asked by Ron
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  6. The accident........if the motorist had obeyed the speed limit.A. Never happened B. Never would happen C. Would happen never D
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    2. Kaba asked by Kaba
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  7. A motorist traveling 55 mph is being pursued by a highway patrol car traveling 65 mph. If the patrol car is four miles behind
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    2. Brittney asked by Brittney
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  8. 1. (20 points) Police use the equation to estimate the speed (s) of a car, in miles per hour, based on the length (x), of its
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    2. patricia asked by patricia
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  9. A car in an accident experiences an impulse of 34,000 Ns. If the accident took .35 seconds to complete how much force was acting
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    2. jack asked by jack
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  10. a motorist runs out of gas and must push his 3000kg car across a flat road 200m to the gas station. ignoring friction how much
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    2. matt asked by matt
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