Simran Gill speed walks around

  1. Simran Gill speed walks around the school playground every evening. The playground is 80m long and 45m wide.a.) What is the
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    2. ashley asked by ashley
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  2. Gill is trying to set a world record at is school. Every day for 100 days, he walks 7.5 miles. How many miles does Gill walk in
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. a boy walks to a school at a rate of 6km with a speed of 2.5km/h and walks back with a constant speed of 5km/h. his average
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    2. aleeza asked by aleeza
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  4. A man walks a certain distance at a certain speed. If he walks 1/2 an hour faster than his usual speed, he will take one hour
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    2. Anne asked by Anne
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  5. a boy walks to his school at a distance of 6km with constant speed of 2.5 k mph and walks back with a constant sped of 4 k mph.
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    2. srikala asked by srikala
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  6. a boy walks to his school at a distance of 6km with constant speed of 2.5 k mph and walks back with a constant sped of 4 k mph.
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    2. srikala asked by srikala
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  7. Two hikers set off from the same point at 12:00 pm. The first walks N20°E at a speed of 67 m/min and after three hours reaches
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    2. James asked by James
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  8. Break the shoes in thoroughly on short walks before going on an extended walk.which of the following is the best way to write
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    2. jenny asked by jenny
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  9. Sonia walks due east with a speed of two m/s. Bryan walks north with a speed of two m/s. Which statement best describes the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  10. Ms. Handler walks to work at an average speed of 5 kilometers per hour. If she increases her speed to 6 kilometers per hour, she
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    2. Rob asked by Rob
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