Michael flies in an airplane

  1. Airplane one flies due to East at 250Km/h relative to the ground. At the same time, Airplane two flies 325Km/h, 35°north of
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    2. Jennie❤ asked by Jennie❤
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  2. When an airplane flies with a given wind, it can travel 3000 km in 5hrs. When the same airplane flies in the opposite direction
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    2. joy asked by joy
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  3. Michael flies in an airplane due north to Michigan. The pilot encounters a direct crosswind from the west of 120 mph. What
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    2. Jennifer asked by Jennifer
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  4. A model airplane with a mass of 0.748 kg is tethered by a wire so that it flies in a circle 30.2 m in radius. The airplane
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  5. An airplane leaves Atlanta at 2 PM and flies north at 250 miles per hour. A second airplane leaves Atlanta 30 minutes later and
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    2. Zara asked by Zara
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  6. 1) A private airplane leaves an airport and flies due south at 192 km/h. Two hours later a jet leaves at the same airport and
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    2. Meaghan asked by Meaghan
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  7. I have tried this question over and over and not sure if the answer is 16 west or 190 south west please help. Airplane One flies
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    2. Sara asked by Sara
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  8. Could you please check my work, I am not too sure what do.An airplane that flies at 100 km/h with a 10 km/h tailwind travels at
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    2. Soly asked by Soly
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  9. Could you please check my work and help me with a couple.An airplane that flies at 100 km/h with a 10 km/h tailwind travels at
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    2. Soly asked by Soly
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  10. a model airplane flies 18 feet in 2 seconds. What is the airplane's speed in miles per hour?
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    2. Giovanna asked by Giovanna
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