Laverne has sixty-one coins, all

  1. Laverne has sixty-one coins, all of which are dimes and quarters. If the totoal value is $9.85, how many of each kind of coin
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    2. Arthur asked by Arthur
    3. views icon 1,288 views
  2. Laverne starts counting out loud by 5's. She starts with 7. As Laverne counts, Shirley sums the numbers Laverne says. When the
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    2. Carla asked by Carla
    3. views icon 1,319 views
  3. Laverne starts counting out loud by 5's. She starts with 7. As Laverne counts, Shirley sums the numbers Laverne says. When the
    1. answers icon 4 answers
    2. Bob asked by Bob
    3. views icon 1,347 views
  4. Laverne starts counting out loud by 5's. She starts with 7. As Laverne counts, Shirley sums the numbers Laverne says. When the
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Carla asked by Carla
    3. views icon 737 views
  5. lavre has sixty-one coins, all of whichare dimes and quaters. if the total value of the coins is $9.85, how many of each kind of
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    2. selena asked by selena
    3. views icon 580 views
  6. lavere has sixty-one coins, all of which are dimes and quaters. if the total value of the coins is $9.85, how many of each kind
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    2. ranujan asked by ranujan
    3. views icon 1,112 views
  7. Ms. Laverne has put the six of us in the ARTT room. We are going to go there every Friday for an hour to talk. Me, Amari,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 90 views
  8. Ms. Laverne has put the six of us in the ARTT room. We are going to go there every Friday for an hour to talk. Me, Amari,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 80 views
  9. Paul has 106 collectible coins. His friend gave him 12 coins for his collection for his birthday. How many coins does Paul have
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. J asked by J
    3. views icon 35 views
  10. Paul has 106 collectible coins. His friend gave him 12 coins for his collection for his birthday. How many coins does Paul have
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    2. views icon 34 views