I am a four digi

  1. idea for day care center for digi fast at reiver view plaza
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    2. sue b asked by sue b
    3. views icon 475 views
  2. I am a four digi even number.The tens digit grater than ones and hundreds digts.The digit have a sum of 15.
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Carla asked by Carla
    3. views icon 685 views
  3. in the addition problems below each leter represents the same digit inboth problems. Replace each letter with a different digi,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. kenzie asked by kenzie
    3. views icon 614 views
  4. The sum of the digit of A three digit number is 20 .the middle digit is equal to one fourth the sum of the other two. If the
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. pratik asked by pratik
    3. views icon 871 views
  5. my thousands digit is 2 times my hundreds digit. the sum of my tens digi t and my ones digit is 2 less than my thousands digit.
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    2. sebastian asked by sebastian
    3. views icon 484 views