How many different 4-digit numerals

  1. I am a digit in each of the numerals: 756 657 576. My value is different in all three numerals. What digit am I? What value do I
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 530 views
  2. I am a digit in each of the numerals: 756 657 576. My value is different in all three numerals. What digit am I? What value do I
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. A) Use numerals to write a ten digit number using the following information:- digit 5 is in millions, thousands and ones place
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    2. beni asked by beni
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  4. The Arabic numerals that were developed by Muslim scholars during Islamic golden age replaced which system ?1.Greek numerals 2.
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    2. Sisipho asked by Sisipho
    3. views icon 60 views
  5. How many different 4-digit numerals can be made from the digits 5, 6, 3, 8, if a digit can appear just once in a numeral?
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    2. debra asked by debra
    3. views icon 440 views
  6. How did people in other regions begin using Arabic numerals?Arabic numerals were used as part of the Islamic faith. Arabic
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    2. yhrtyjdfgj asked by yhrtyjdfgj
    3. views icon 114 views
  7. How did people in other regions begin using Arabic numerals?Arabic numerals were used as part of the Islamic faith. Arabic
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    2. yhrtyjdfgj asked by yhrtyjdfgj
    3. views icon 130 views
  8. How did people in other regions begin using Arabic numerals?A. Arabic numerals were used as part of the Islamic faith. B. Arabic
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    2. yhrtyjdfgj asked by yhrtyjdfgj
    3. views icon 93 views
  9. How did people in other regions begin using Arabic numerals?a Arabic numerals were used as part of the Islamic faith. b Arabic
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    2. yhrtyjdfgj asked by yhrtyjdfgj
    3. views icon 110 views
  10. i am a three-digit number.i am made up of three different numerals. i am divisble by eleven.
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    2. bria asked by bria
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