How many 10 digit numbers

  1. Find the number of five digit numbers less than 40,000 in which the 33 digit numbers formed by consecutive digits are all
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  2. the hundred thousands digit of a six-digit even numbers is 3 more than the thousand digit,which is twice the ones digit.give at
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    2. louie asked by louie
    3. views icon 673 views
  3. Find the sum of all 3-digit positive numbers N that satisfy the condition that the digit sum of N is 3 times the digit sum of
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    2. rohit asked by rohit
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  4. A 4-digit number is selected from the numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6} where the digits are selected without replacement.How many 4-digit
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    2. Carrie asked by Carrie
    3. views icon 721 views
  5. The number uses every number 0-9 the numbers are used only once the fourth digit is 4 the first digit in the billions place is 3
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  6. How many international direct-dialing numbers are possible if each number consists of a four-digit area code (the first digit of
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    2. Kal Jay asked by Kal Jay
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  7. How many different three-digit numbers can be written using the digits 4, 5, 6, and 7? Use each digit only once in a number.Is
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    2. Tony asked by Tony
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  8. Find the number of five-digit numbers less than 40 000 in which the three three-digit numbers formed by consecutive digits are
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    2. Livi asked by Livi
    3. views icon 125 views
  9. MathIn a 3 digit number the hundreds digit is one half of tens digit while the ones digit is more than the tens digit. If the
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    2. Jenny Rose asked by Jenny Rose
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  10. I have no idea what this problem means:For how many two-digit numbers if the ones digit larger than the tens-digit? Can you find
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    2. Kelly asked by Kelly
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