Help would be grately apreciated

  1. Help would be grately apreciated on this problem thank you!Backgound The employees can be any one of the two types: 1) Full-Time
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Bob asked by Bob
    3. views icon 658 views
  2. I need greek mythological allusions t plant and animals for examplre arachnid comes from arachne and venus fly trap to venus.
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    2. Amel asked by Amel
    3. views icon 652 views
  3. How do u say My name is_____ in French ? And what does Avec mean ?? With ? Thanks all your help is apreciated..
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Amanda11280 asked by Amanda11280
    3. views icon 449 views
  4. I need help making a political cartoon. It needs to be about obama any help is greatly apreciated
    1. answers icon 5 answers
    2. Kate asked by Kate
    3. views icon 464 views
  5. On a business trip a salesman traveled 40 mph for the first third of his trip and 50 mph for the remainder. If the entire trip
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Rachel h asked by Rachel h
    3. views icon 799 views
  6. find the slope of the line that contains (1,6) and 10,9) i thought the answer was -3- 9 but i guess that is incorrect where did
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. julie asked by julie
    3. views icon 365 views
  7. find the slope of the line that contains (1,6) and 10,9) i thought the answer was -3/9 ( negative 3 over 9)but i guess that is
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. julie asked by julie
    3. views icon 522 views
  8. I know my english is crap any corrections suggestions cirtisims etc. would greatly be apreciated... if you know any biology and
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Kate asked by Kate
    3. views icon 579 views
  9. My words are: foolishness, fullness, fierceness, forgiveness, motionless, hopeless, weakness, and meaningless. I need one for
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. Izzy asked by Izzy
    3. views icon 993 views
  10. heyy, i need to know where Australia buys most of its defensive weapons for the army (im guessing America or one of those Asian
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. justin asked by justin
    3. views icon 548 views