Heavy metals effects on human

  1. How heavy metals toxity in plants put potential effect on human health that developed clinical effects after consuming heavy
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  2. Heavy metal effect on human health, give the clinical effects after consuming heavy metals contaminated plants and provide
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  3. Heavy metals effects on human health
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  4. Some of the heavy metals commonly used in mining operations and released as tailings waste include:1. Lead 2. Zinc 3. Copper 4.
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  5. 1: Define heavy metal and toxicity?2: source of heavy metal contamination? 3: impotence of heavy metals? 4: why heavy metals
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  6. 1: Define heavy metal and toxicity?2: source of heavy metal contamination? 3: impotence of heavy metals 4: why heavy metals
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  7. 1: Define heavy metal and toxicity2: source of heavy metal contamination? 3: impotence of heavy metals? 4: why heavy metals
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  8. Heavy metal toxity in plants, give back ground and introduction by1: define heavy metal and toxicity 2: source of heavy metal
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  9. Clean and GreenSince the Industrial Revolution, people have been pouring toxic waste into the land, ranging from petroleum
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  10. Clean and GreenSince the Industrial Revolution, people have been pouring toxic waste into the land, ranging from petroleum
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