Fraction 7/8 Decimal 0.875 Percent

  1. An unknown fraction is between 0 and 1. Which is true about the equivalent percent and decimal?The percent and decimal are
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    2. your mama asked by your mama
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  2. Write out directions for how to convert a fraction to a decimal, a decimal to a percent, and a percent to a fraction.I honestly
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    2. Dani. asked by Dani.
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  3. For the following questions, convert each percent to its equivalent fraction (or mixed number) in its lowest terms and decimal.a
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    2. gems asked by gems
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  4. For the following questions, convert each percent to its equivalent fraction (or mixed number) in its lowest terms and decimal.a
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    2. gems asked by gems
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  5. Write 6.4% as a decimal and as a fraction.Write 2 and one fourth as a decimal and as a percent. To convert from percent to
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    2. Rebecca asked by Rebecca
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  6. My question is:WRite the percent as a fraction and as a decimal. 0.06% I don't know how many places I need to move that decimal
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    2. Erika asked by Erika
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  7. Write the decimal as a percent: 0.34. Write the decimal as a percent: 5.16 5. Write the percent as a decimal: 61% 6. Order from
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    2. lynn asked by lynn
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  8. Fraction 7/8 Decimal 0.875 Percent 87.5Fraction 49/50 Decimal 0.98 Percent 98% Fraction 1/4 Decimal 0.25 Percent 2.5% Simplify
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    2. Jerald asked by Jerald
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  9. Supply the missing numbers. Round any decimal to the nearest thousandth and percent to the nearest tenth of a percent if
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    2. Gina asked by Gina
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  10. find missing parts:percent fraction decimal ?? 1/200 ??? I think the percent is 0.5% I think the decimal should be .005 Am I
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    2. Christy asked by Christy
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