Fifty motorists were asked to

  1. Fifty motorists were asked to record the number of kilometers traveled in one week Draw a table from the scenario
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  2. Fifty motorists were asked to record the number of kilometers traveled in one week. Draw a table from the scenario
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  3. According to a survey, 21% of motorists in a large city are uninsured. Suppose that currently 21% of all motorists in this city
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  4. 2. If 4% of motorists on the New Jersey Turnpike leave at a certain exit and 5% of these go to one particular motel for lodging,
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    2. vincent asked by vincent
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  5. If 4% of motorists on the Turnpike leave at a certain exit and 5% of these go to one particular motel for lodging,out of every
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    2. vincent asked by vincent
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  6. Motorists often complain about rising gas prices. Some motorists purchase fuel efficient vehicles and participate in trip
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    2. yolanda asked by yolanda
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  7. Motorists often complain about rising gas prices. Some motorists purchase fuel efficient vehicles and participate in trip
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  8. 1. Fifty states make up the U.S.A.2. Fifty states compose the U.S.A. 3. Fifty states comprise the U.S.A. 4, The U.S.A. is
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    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
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  9. Use the table to create a scattered plot and determine the type of association.X twenty five thirty eighty one fifty two fifty
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    2. Cowless asked by Cowless
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  10. Assume you work at a company where you are paid hourly. You are paid $8.60 per hour for regular time (less than or equal to
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    2. Anna asked by Anna
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