Fibonacci sequnce has this pattern:

  1. Fibonacci sequnce has this pattern:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,...... each number is achieved by adding the previous number to the
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    2. Shay asked by Shay
    3. views icon 709 views
  2. Fibonacci sequnce has this pattern:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,...... each number is achieved by adding the previous number to the
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    2. Shay asked by Shay
    3. views icon 624 views
  3. Show that the twenty-first,thirty-seventh and sixty-fifth term of a linear sequnce are consecutive terms of an exponential
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    2. oliver kennedy asked by oliver kennedy
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  4. Is Fibonacci the only pattern found in nature?
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    2. Kathy asked by Kathy
    3. views icon 429 views
  5. I am doing a math project on Leonardo Fibonacci, the creator of the Fibonacci's Sequence. I was wondering if someone could
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    2. trixie asked by trixie
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  6. construct flow chart for generating the nth fibonacci serious using two seed numbers read from the user input two seed number
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    2. menebr asked by menebr
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  7. Recall that the Fibonacci sequence {fn} is defined as follows: f1 = f2 = 1, andFn = fn−2 + fn−1, for n ≥ 3. to determine
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    2. william asked by william
    3. views icon 181 views
  8. The Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... starts with two 1s, and each term afterwards is the sum of its two
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    2. AMT asked by AMT
    3. views icon 1,838 views
  9. I have three problems to answer dealing with Fibonacci numbers. I understand the first two, but would like for reassurrance that
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Jennifer asked by Jennifer
    3. views icon 667 views
  10. Find three examples of the Fibonacci sequence in nature. Write a paragraph for each example. For each example, address the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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