Every night in Cordele,Georgia,24 trains

  1. Every night in Cordele,Georgia,24 trains crisscross the city's five mile radius.Each train blows its whistle to alert citizens
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    2. vedrana asked by vedrana
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  2. Every night in cordele Georgia 24 trains crisscross the city five mile radius. Each train blowsits whistle to alert citizens
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    2. e I asked by e I
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  3. Two trains 200m and 300m are running towards each other at 50km/hr and 40km/hr respectively and the distance between the two
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    2. Abul Qasim asked by Abul Qasim
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  4. two metra trains are on separate but parallel tracks. One has a speed of 90 km/hr, the other 80 km/hr. Initially, the two trains
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    2. tiana asked by tiana
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  5. Two trains travel on the same railway in opposite direction. The initial distance between the trains is 20 km. The speeds of the
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    2. Clemont asked by Clemont
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  6. Two trains A and B 50kms apartare approaching each ather at 30km/hr and 20km/hr respectively. A bee travelling at 80km/hr hovers
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    2. very urgent please asked by very urgent please
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  7. Two trains A and B 50kms apart are approaching each other at 30km/hr and 20km/hr respectively. A bee travelling at 80km/hr
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    2. faith ogbidi asked by faith ogbidi
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  8. As two trains move along a track, their conductors suddenly notice that they are headed toward each other. The figure below
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    2. Jimmy asked by Jimmy
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  9. Two trains with 112-Hz horns approach one another. The slower of the two trains has a speed of 26 m/s. What is the speed of the
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    2. Valerie asked by Valerie
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  10. As two trains move along a track, their conductors suddenly notice that they are headed toward each other. The figure below
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    2. Natalie asked by Natalie
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