Estimate delta f using linear

  1. Estimate delta f using the Linear Approximation and use a calculator to compute the error.f(x)=sqrt(3+x). a=6. delta x=0.1.
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    2. Reonea asked by Reonea
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  2. Estimate delta(x) using the Linear Approximation and use a calculator to compute both the error and the percentage error.f(x)=co
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. Estimate delta f using linear approximationF(x) = x^ (1/3)e^(x-1), a=1, delta x = 0.4 linear approximation for delta f = Error
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    2. Narimen asked by Narimen
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  4. Suppose that X_1=delta+W_1 and X_2=2*delta+W_2, where delta, W_1, W_2 are independent standard normal random variables. If the
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    2. Ramya asked by Ramya
    3. views icon 174 views
  5. Estimate the temperature where Delta G = 0 for the following reaction (Given: Delta H=-176 and Delta S = -284.5 J/KNH3 + HCl -->
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    2. ramire2 asked by ramire2
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  6. Does my work here look right?3. One mole of an ideal gas expands adiabatically into a vacuum. Calculate q, delta-e, w, and
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    2. Jess asked by Jess
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  7. For the reactionI2(s)+Cl2(g) ==> 2ICl(g) delta H= 36kJ, delta S= 158.8J/K at 25° C. Calculate the temperature at which Keq is
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    2. --- asked by ---
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  8. So, i did this lab, a solubility and thermodynamics lab of KNO3, and in it we had to determine the delta h delta g and delta s,
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. K asked by K
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  9. Let delta hat be an estimator of a random variable delta, and let delta hat=delta hat-delta be the estimation error.a) In this
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    2. Ramya asked by Ramya
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  10. "Use difference quotients with delta(x)=0.1 and delta(y)=0.1 to estimate fx(1,3) and fy(1,3) where f(x,y)=e^(-x)sin(y)."I don't
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    2. Brittany asked by Brittany
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