By what means is carbon

  1. Diamond is a covalently bonded substance made of pure carbon. Each carbon atom has six total electrons so this means carbon
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    2. Ben Dover asked by Ben Dover
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  2. An anthropologist finds there is so little remaining Carbon-14 in a prehistoric bone that instruments cannot measure it. This
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    2. Rock asked by Rock
    3. views icon 1,035 views
  3. An anthropologist finds there is so little remaining Carbon-14 in a prehistoric bone that instruments cannot measure it. This
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Rock asked by Rock
    3. views icon 1,082 views
  4. starting from carbon what occurs to the ion charge as u move it to right?In my periodic table Carbon does not have a charge at
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    2. Sara asked by Sara
    3. views icon 2,072 views
  5. Please can you explain what this question means. I don't understand the question especially 'carbon'.Design your own carbon to
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    2. Peter asked by Peter
    3. views icon 544 views
  6. has the chemical formula H2O. This means that a molecule of water has one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.• Peroxide Water
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    2. views icon 79 views
  7. The ocean stores carbon from its interactions with the atmosphere, so the ocean serves as (a) _________ for the carbon
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    2. Nunya asked by Nunya
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  8. The earliest evidence of life consists of rock samples in which organic carbon compounds show an isotope signature low in
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    2. views icon 63 views
  9. (aq) means the solution is dissolved in water used as a solvent. (l) means the COMPOUND (not element, usually) is a pure liquid.
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    2. DrBob222 asked by DrBob222
    3. views icon 716 views
  10. write sentence using each of the following 1) Affliction: means: effect2) Pudder: means : turmoil 3) Scanted.means: negleacted.
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    2. reem asked by reem
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