At what time a train

  1. tains A and train B are travling in the same dicrtion on a parral track train A is traving 60 mph and train B is traviling 70
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    2. me asked by me
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  2. train A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. train A is going 80 miles per hour train B is going 84
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    2. brian asked by brian
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  3. train A leaves a station at 1:15 PM,traveling 60 mph.Train B leaves the same station, in the same direction as train A,15
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    2. mary asked by mary
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  4. there are two train stations 4.2 km apart on a train track. the train must stop at both stations. the acceleration of the train
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    2. bean asked by bean
    3. views icon 203 views
  5. The train made 7 stops before sue fell asleep if the average time between stops was 40 minutes, how much time passed between the
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    2. alex asked by alex
    3. views icon 452 views
  6. The speed of train A is 16 mph slower than train B. Train A travels 190 mph in the same time it takes train B to travel 270
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    2. Francine asked by Francine
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  7. Train A is 12 mph slower than train B. Train A travels 230miles in the same time it takes train B to travel 290 miles. Find the
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    2. Help Me Pleeease asked by Help Me Pleeease
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  8. Train A is 12 mph slower than train B. Train A travels 230miles in the same time it takes train B to travel 290 miles. Find the
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    2. Marie asked by Marie
    3. views icon 506 views
  9. Train L and Train M leave a station at the same time heading in opposite directions. Train L is going north at an average speed
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    2. derp asked by derp
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  10. the speed of train A is 16 mph slower than the speed of train B. Train A travels 210 miles in the same time it takes train B to
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    2. Help asked by Help
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