At a concert, the loudness

  1. The ratio of the loudness of Lala’s earphones to the loudness of Polina’searphones to the loudness of Goffy’s earphones is
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    2. Bob asked by Bob
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  2. The ratio of the loudness of Lana’s earphones to the loudness of Polina’s earphones to the loudness of Goffy’s earphones
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Akumi asked by Akumi
    3. views icon 397 views
  3. The ratio of the loudness of Lana's earphones to the loudness of Polina's earphones to the loudness of Goffy's earphones is
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    2. rsm student asked by rsm student
    3. views icon 72 views
  4. The ratio of the loudness of Lana’s earphones to the loudness of Polina’s earphones to the loudness of Goffy’s earphones
    1. answers icon 9 answers
    2. PLEASE HELP :) asked by PLEASE HELP :)
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  5. An equation for loudness(L) in decibels (dB) of a sound source as a function of its relative intensity (R) is below.L=10log(R)
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    2. ALEX asked by ALEX
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  6. Danny is measuring the loudness of a police siren. At t=2 seconds, the siren's loudness is at its maximum of 112 dB for the
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    2. SC asked by SC
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  7. The loudness of sound can be measured in decibels. Do you think loudness is a vector or not? Can you explain why or why not.
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    2. Kallie asked by Kallie
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  8. posted by rfvv Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 6:01am1. The concert is over. 2. The concert is finished. 3. The concert ended. 4. The
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
    3. views icon 745 views
  9. Anyone been to an concert (jazz, opera, etc.)and had to do a concert report? i need a concert report can someone please help me,
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    2. Fulano asked by Fulano
    3. views icon 606 views
  10. At a concert, the loudness of sound, L, in decibels, is given by the equation L=10log(I/I_o), where I is the intensity, in watts
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    2. Jus asked by Jus
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