Algebra: two trains leave Chicago

  1. Algebra: two trains leave Chicago at the same time one traveling east and the other traveling west the eastbound train travels
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    2. Mercy brown asked by Mercy brown
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  2. a train leave Chicago at a 115 miles per hour towards Denver another train leaves Denver 105 miles per hour towards Chicago if
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    2. lisa asked by lisa
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  3. Hello, could someone help me solve/show the following algebra problem? If there's not enough info given, indicate that no
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    2. Charlezetta asked by Charlezetta
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  4. Two trans leave Chicago going opposite directions, one going north and the other going south. The northbound train is traveling
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    2. Megan Brown asked by Megan Brown
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  5. Two trains leave a station at 11:00am. One train travels north at a rate of 75 mph and another travelseast at a rate of 60 mph.
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    2. Help Please! asked by Help Please!
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  6. two trains leave Austin one train going north at 80 mph and one going 60mph how long will it take the two trains to be 420 miles
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    2. vickie asked by vickie
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  7. Two trains, one express and one local, leave Indianapolis at noon and head for Chicago 220 miles away. The express travels twice
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    2. Jane asked by Jane
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  8. Two trains depart simultaneously from the same station. The angle between the two tracks on which they leave is 120 degrees. One
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    2. Chloe Mack asked by Chloe Mack
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  9. Please help me answer this!At 1pm, two trains traveling towards each other leave from towns 312km apart. One train can travel at
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    2. will asked by will
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  10. 2 trains going opposite directions leave at the same time. Train b is 10mph faster than train a. in 8 hours the trains are 960
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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