A teacher gave his class

  1. Jennifer's teacher gave some students in the class 3 mini candy bars each for doing well on an assignment. If Jennifer's teacher
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    2. views icon 12 views
  2. I know that this is an off topic question, but I need you to respond to this....I received barely an A in my chemistry class,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 683 views
  3. I know that this is an off topic question, but I need you to respond to this....I received barely an A in my chemistry class,
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 613 views
  4. Is it illegal for a school to not have a subsitute teacher assigned to a class when the teacher is not going to be in for the
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. General asked by General
    3. views icon 734 views
  5. Could you add correct punctuation and semicolons to this?After the test, the Teacher gave the class the stink eye because there
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Blurryface asked by Blurryface
    3. views icon 89 views
  6. I have this project that my english teacher assign the class to do. Since we are on our perserverance unit this have something
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. Laruen asked by Laruen
    3. views icon 675 views
  7. Our teacher gave us this quote "the one who got away" and we are supposed to figure out what it means. If anyone in the class
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Andrew asked by Andrew
    3. views icon 599 views
  8. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Gary were thrilled when Mr. Krabbs gave their teacher a chemistry set! Mr. Krabbs warned them to be
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    2. views icon 102 views
  9. 2y^-3 = 4e^(-x/2)/(1+e(-x/2))my teacher gave this problem in my chem class and i don't know what he is really asking , does any
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Jessi asked by Jessi
    3. views icon 512 views
  10. 2y^-3 = 4e^(-x/2)/(1+e(-x/2))my teacher gave this problem in my chem class and i don't know what he is really asking , does any
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Jacob asked by Jacob
    3. views icon 455 views