5 people measured a metal

  1. Using a very precise measuring device, Dr. Calvin measured the thickness of a piece of metal to be 0.00064 of a meter. Dr. Amos
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  2. The mass of a 4.20-g piece of metal was measured several times. The measured masses were 4.99 g, 4.92 g, 4.98 g,and 4.97 g. How
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    2. ezile asked by ezile
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  3. a sample of 15.00 g of an unkown metal chloride, MCl2 is dissolved in 75.0 mL water. the boiling point of the resulting solution
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    2. lucy asked by lucy
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  4. a sample of 15.00 g of an unkown metal chloride, MCl2 is dissolved in 75.0 mL water. the boiling point of the resulting solution
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    2. alice asked by alice
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  5. Alkali metals react with water to form hydrogen gas and the hydroxide of the metal. When 3.55 grams of an alkali metal reacts
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    2. gina asked by gina
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  6. Nickel metal has a density of 2.9 g/mL How much does a measured 8.66 ml of nickel metal weigh in mg?a. 1.4 ×103mg b. 2.5x10^mg
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    2. Tayo asked by Tayo
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  7. Students were given five masses of an unknown metal. Your job is to determine the identity of the metal by analyzing the data
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    2. Bea asked by Bea
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  8. Students were given five masses of an unknown metal. Your job is to determine the identity of the metal by analyzing the data
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    2. Earl asked by Earl
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  9. 5 people measured a metal bar using the same measuing instrument,but each read the scale to a different level of accuracy.their
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    2. sarah asked by sarah
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  10. A heated piece of metal cools according to the function c(x)=(.5)^(x−9), where x is measured in hours. A device is added that
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    2. Please Help asked by Please Help
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