2 trains going opposite directions

  1. 2 trains going opposite directions leave at the same time. Train b is 10mph faster than train a. in 8 hours the trains are 960
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  2. Supppose two trains leave Holbrook, Arizona, at the same time, traveling in opposite directions. One train travels 10 mph faster
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    2. justin asked by justin
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  3. Two trains depart at the same time from the same station and travel in opposite directions. One train travels 25 mph faster than
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    2. John asked by John
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  4. Two trains depart at the same time from the same station and travel in opposite directions. One train travels 25 mph faster than
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    2. John asked by John
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  5. Two trains are traveling opposite directions. One train travels at a speed of 90 mph. The second train travels at a speed of 95
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    2. Haley asked by Haley
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  6. Two trains leave the same station at the same time, but are headed in opposite directions. One train travels at 70 mph and the
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    2. NeedHelp asked by NeedHelp
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  7. Two trains travel on the same railway in opposite direction. The initial distance between the trains is 20 km. The speeds of the
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    2. Clemont asked by Clemont
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  8. Two trains are moving in opposite directions at a speed of 50 and 70 km/hr. Their lengths are 150m and 100m. The time required
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    2. Khan asked by Khan
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  9. At the same time but different speeds, two trains X and Y left from different stations, A and B, and moved facing each other (to
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    2. Stephanie asked by Stephanie
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  10. Two trans leave Chicago going opposite directions, one going north and the other going south. The northbound train is traveling
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    2. Megan Brown asked by Megan Brown
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