1. If yoiu run every

  1. hey can yoiu write me a whole informative text portfolio
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  2. Can yoiu rank the ongoing threate pleasee• Plastic extinxtion of the bees • Decline of natural resources (food, fuel, water)
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  3. A: Would you like to anything to drink?B: Diet cola, please. A: How many would you like? B: Three paper cups of diet cola. A:
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    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
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  4. 1. If yoiu run every day, you will get health.2. If you run every day, you will get healthy? ========================== Are both
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    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
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  5. 1. You have to structure your time effectively.2. You have to construct your time effectively. 3. Yoiu have to organize yoiur
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    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
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