1) in a random survey

  1. Predict from random survey datain a random sample survey of 240 voters, 128 said they would vote for candidate A in an upcoming
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. Ramen 4 lifer asked by Ramen 4 lifer
    3. views icon 198 views
  2. FeaturePredict from Random Survey Data In a random sample survey of 240 voters, 128 said they would vote for Candidate A in an
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. h asked by h
    3. views icon 47 views
  3. Predict from Random Survey DataIn a random sample survey of 240 voters, 128 said they would vote for Candidate A in an upcoming
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. h asked by h
    3. views icon 58 views
  4. Predict from Random Survey DataIn a random sample survey of 240 voters, 128 said they would vote for Candidate A in an upcoming
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. h asked by h
    3. views icon 52 views
  5. A toothpaste company did a survey at the mall. They found that 42.5% of those surveyed brushed their teeth twice a day. Which
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Brandi asked by Brandi
    3. views icon 547 views
  6. A restaurant chain conducts a random survey of sales of desserts to determine which desserts will be on a new menu. Based on the
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. cat asked by cat
    3. views icon 161 views
  7. in order to find out what the best restaurant is in town you call 25 of your friends at random. what type of survey is this?a-
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Steve asked by Steve
    3. views icon 1,046 views
  8. Why is it important to use random sampling when conducting a survey?It uses only those questions that are important. It tends to
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 70 views
  9. You plan to survey people to see what percent own their home and what percent rent. Which survey is most likely to give you a
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. goofy goon asked by goofy goon
    3. views icon 344 views
  10. Case - Can This Survey Be Saved?"What's troubling me is that you can't just pick a new random sample just because somebody
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. didier barreto asked by didier barreto
    3. views icon 654 views