X1 m.= Naeem's distance from base of tower.
X2 = distance between Zola and Naeem.
X1+X2 = Zola's distance from base of tower.
Tan 50 = h/X1 = 180/X1.
X1 = 180/Tan50 = 151 m.
Tan32 = 180/(X1+X2) = 180/(151+X2).
(151+X2) = 180/Tan32 = 288.
X2 = 137 m.
Zola can see the top of 180m cell phone at an angle of elevation of 32 degrees, and Naeem can see it an angle of elevation of 50 degrees. How far apart are Zola and Naeem if they are on a straight line with the tower? There are two possibilities.
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