Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.
Check through different sections here; list on the left is like a table of contents.
After you have written the letter, please post what you write. Someone here will be able to help you then.
You’ve recently completed a tour and now it’s time to write the customer a ‘Thank you’ note.
Here’s the customer information:
Name - Joe Smith
Tour - Conducted in Apt. 1107 with a 2-bed 2-bath
Interests - Pool, 24-hour fitness center, second bedroom that can function as an office
Tour Ended With - Joe was very interested, but wanted to ‘sleep on it’ before making a commitment.
7 answers
THIS IS NOT MY HOMEWORK, I am having an interview for a job and they asked me this question. What would I document if this occurs.
The question I have is the words Job Interview and "customer".
I suppose you have had a job interview with a real estate company, and they have given you a scenario, and want you to draft a letter or note to the fictious person you took on a tour.
Write a brief thank you note (for his time). Offer for any future help he needs to contact you, and if he has any questions, please contact you .
Keep it brief, most certainly don't high pressure him.
I suppose you have had a job interview with a real estate company, and they have given you a scenario, and want you to draft a letter or note to the fictious person you took on a tour.
Write a brief thank you note (for his time). Offer for any future help he needs to contact you, and if he has any questions, please contact you .
Keep it brief, most certainly don't high pressure him.
Yes, Thank you. You explianed everything, now where do I start?
thank for your help, I made it brief and straight to the point.
Dear Joe
It was great to meet you and show you around Apt 1107 on date.
It seemed from our conversation that the apt met most of the criteria you were looking for. I appreciate that you wanted the time to go and consider your purchasing decision. I will give you a call on date to find out how you would like to progress
It was great to meet you and show you around Apt 1107 on date.
It seemed from our conversation that the apt met most of the criteria you were looking for. I appreciate that you wanted the time to go and consider your purchasing decision. I will give you a call on date to find out how you would like to progress
JEZUZ its a salesman