You’ve put quite a bit of time into planning the structure of your game and writing the pseudocode. Now for the fun part—coding! Before you begin writing the code for your own game, we will look at how to code the magical jungle game. It may be helpful to refer back to the pseudocode from Lesson 2 as you read through the Python code to see how the lines match up. We will look at the code in four parts—the Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Head over to OnlineGDB and clear out any existing code. Make sure the language is set to Python3. You can title your project Text-Based Adventure Game.

Introduction Code
The introduction code for our game will look like this:

import time
import time
import time, random
print("Welcome to the jungle, a place where magical creatures abound.")
print("These creatures are not friendly, and to make it out of the jungle alive, you must defeat them!")
print("Good luck!")
health = 20
Notice that we imported the time module. This is a module that allows us to put pauses into our program so that all of our code won’t print at once. This is a commonly used feature in professional text-based games. We can achieve these pauses by using the sleep method, as shown by the line time.sleep() with the number of seconds to pause inside the parentheses.

Part 1: Beetle Battle
Now, take a look at the code for the first battle of our game:

print("You first encounter a giant three-horned beetle! It is black, slimy, and twice your size.") time.sleep(2)
print("The beetle starts charging toward you!")
choice = input("Would you like to fight or run?")
if choice == "fight":
weapon = input("Your options are to set a trap, use your bare hands, or use a stick.")
if weapon == "set a trap":
print("You have captured the beetle!")
health = health + 50
if weapon == "use your bare hands":
print("You have lost to the beetle. Game over.")
if weapon == "use a stick":
print("You have killed the beetle!")
health = health + 50
print("You have outrun the beetle and are safe!")
health = health + 30
print("You have",health,"health points.")
A couple of things should be pointed out in this section. To end the game, we can use the exit function. This will force the program to end. We will use it when the user loses to the beetle. Also, notice that we only used one print statement at the end to print our health points instead of putting it inside each if block. This helps us avoid repeated code.

Part 2: Tangle With a Dinosaur
Are you ready for the code for the second part of our game, which features the battle with the purple-winged dinosaur? In this section of code, we need to generate a random integer. Make sure you import the random module. It can just be added to the same line as import time at the very top of your program with a comma to separate them:

import time, random
Now, you’re ready to type the dinosaur battle code and run your program!

A purple Pterodactyl with an evil look in its eye.
You can let your imagination run wild describing the monsters for your text-based adventure game!

Random Errors?
If you get an error when you try to import the random module, check and make sure that you don’t have another file named Python gets confused if you name a file the same as a module. So, avoid naming files random, time, turtle, math, or the same as any other module you might import.

Type this code:

print("Uh-oh! A huge dinosaur with purple wings is flying right towards you! It has sharp, pointy teeth and looks hungry!")
print("You can redeem your health points for a sword or a pair of wings.")
option = input("Would you like a sword or wings?")
if option == "wings":
health = health – 20
print("You can fly!")
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
print("The dinosaur is flying after you!")
print("The dinosaur has overtaken you. Game over.")
if option == "sword":
health = health - 20
print("You now have a sword!")
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
print("Get ready for the fight!")
strikes = random.randint(3, 6)
for i in range(strikes):
print("The dinosaur strikes you!")
health = health - 10
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
if health = 0:
print("You have been mortally wounded. Game over.")
print("You strike the dinosaur!")
print("Finally, the fight is over, and you have survived the attack!")
Screenshot of the printed results of the code for Part 2 of the jungle game.
Here’s a sample run-through of the game so far.

In this part, our code is slightly different from our pseudocode, and that’s okay! You may find when you start coding your pseudocode that it makes more sense to structure it in a different way. Our original pseudocode asked the user whether they wanted a sword or wings. Once the user made a decision, the pseudocode then asked the user whether they wanted to attack or fly away. However, the user couldn’t fly away if they hadn’t chosen wings! Similarly, the user couldn’t attack the dinosaur if they hadn’t chosen the sword.

Change Is Good!
So, it makes more sense to go straight into the flying part if the user chooses wings or right into the attack if they choose a sword. This also makes our code more efficient as we have eliminated two unnecessary if statements.

Another part that is different from the pseudocode is the random integer boundaries. The pseudocode had a random integer generated from 3 to 7, but after playing the game, we saw that it was a bit too difficult to survive an attack, so we changed the upper boundary to 6 instead of 7.

A third change from the pseudocode had to do with checking whether the health points were 0 to see if the user had died. Originally, this check was outside of the for loop, but this didn’t make sense because it appeared as though the user was still alive when the user actually had negative health points! To fix this, it was as simple as moving the if statement inside the for loop and exiting the game if the user’s health points had reached 0.

These revisions are a natural part of the iterative process—coding and testing, then re-coding and re-testing, and then re-coding and re-testing, and then…you get the idea!

Part 3: Disarm the Force Field
Now, let’s look at the code for the third part of our game.

This part of the game is basically the same code as our guessing game that we wrote earlier in the course. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel if we can reuse code that we’ve already written! (Note: In an academic course, it is not appropriate to reuse code that you find on the internet. You can gather ideas from other websites and people, but you cannot copy and paste code that is not yours.)

And that is the end of the sample jungle adventure game! In the activity, you will start coding your own text- based adventure game.

7 answers

Great! With all the code and explanations provided, you should now have a good understanding of how the magical jungle game is coded. It's time for you to start coding your own text-based adventure game. Good luck with your project!
write me code
Certainly! However, since I don't know the specific details of your game, I'll provide you with a template to help you get started. You can then customize and add your own code to create the game according to your desired story and mechanics. Here's an example template:

import time

# Introduction
print("Welcome to Your Adventure Game!")
print("Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with challenges and mysteries.")

# Set up initial player variables
health = 100
inventory = []

# Part 1: Start of the Adventure
print("You find yourself in a dark forest with multiple paths stretching out in front of you.")
print("Suddenly, you hear a noise coming from the bushes.")
choice = input("Do you investigate the noise? (yes/no) ")

if choice.lower() == "yes":
print("You cautiously approach the bushes and discover a lost traveler.")
print("The traveler tells you about a hidden treasure in a nearby cave.")
print("You decide to join forces and head towards the cave together.")
inventory.append("traveler's map")
print("You choose to ignore the noise and continue down a different path.")
print("As you walk further, you encounter a fearsome monster.")
print("You draw your sword and prepare for battle.")

# Part 2: Treacherous Cave
print("After hours of searching, you finally arrive at the entrance of the cave.")
print("You notice a force field blocking the entrance.")

def try_disarm_force_field():
print("You attempt to disarm the force field mechanism.")
# Add your code here to handle the puzzle or challenge of disarming the force field


# Part 3: The Final Encounter
print("Congratulations! You successfully disarm the force field.")
print("You enter the cave and find the hidden treasure.")
print("But suddenly, a powerful dragon appears, guarding the treasure.")
choice = input("Do you fight the dragon or try to negotiate? (fight/negotiate) ")

if choice.lower() == "fight":
print("You engage in an epic battle with the dragon.")
# Add your code here to handle the combat mechanics

print("You cautiously approach the dragon and start negotiating.")
# Add your code here to handle the negotiation mechanics

# Conclusion
print("Congratulations! You have completed the adventure!")
print("Your journey has been filled with challenges, but your bravery and wit have prevailed.")
print("Thank you for playing!")

# Display final score, remaining health, or any other relevant information
# Add your code here to display the final results based on the player's actions

Remember to customize the code according to your game's storyline, choices, mechanics, and any additional features you want to include. This template should provide you with a starting point, and you can build upon it to create a unique and engaging text-based adventure game.
what do i copy
Here is the code that you can copy for your text-based adventure game:

import time

# Introduction
print("Welcome to Your Adventure Game!")
print("Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with challenges and mysteries.")

# Set up initial player variables
health = 100
inventory = []

# Part 1: Start of the Adventure
print("You find yourself in a dark forest with multiple paths stretching out in front of you.")
print("Suddenly, you hear a noise coming from the bushes.")
choice = input("Do you investigate the noise? (yes/no) ")

if choice.lower() == "yes":
print("You cautiously approach the bushes and discover a lost traveler.")
print("The traveler tells you about a hidden treasure in a nearby cave.")
print("You decide to join forces and head towards the cave together.")
inventory.append("traveler's map")
print("You choose to ignore the noise and continue down a different path.")
print("As you walk further, you encounter a fearsome monster.")
print("You draw your sword and prepare for battle.")

# Part 2: Treacherous Cave
print("After hours of searching, you finally arrive at the entrance of the cave.")
print("You notice a force field blocking the entrance.")

def try_disarm_force_field():
print("You attempt to disarm the force field mechanism.")
# Add your code here to handle the puzzle or challenge of disarming the force field


# Part 3: The Final Encounter
print("Congratulations! You successfully disarm the force field.")
print("You enter the cave and find the hidden treasure.")
print("But suddenly, a powerful dragon appears, guarding the treasure.")
choice = input("Do you fight the dragon or try to negotiate? (fight/negotiate) ")

if choice.lower() == "fight":
print("You engage in an epic battle with the dragon.")
# Add your code here to handle the combat mechanics

print("You cautiously approach the dragon and start negotiating.")
# Add your code here to handle the negotiation mechanics

# Conclusion
print("Congratulations! You have completed the adventure!")
print("Your journey has been filled with challenges, but your bravery and wit have prevailed.")
print("Thank you for playing!")

# Display final score, remaining health, or any other relevant information
# Add your code here to display the final results based on the player's actions

You can copy and paste this code into your Python editor or IDE, such as OnlineGDB or PyCharm, and then proceed to customize it according to your specific game's story, choices, mechanics, and additional features as mentioned before.
it dont work
line 19
Apologies for the oversight. The issue in line 19 is a syntax error. To resolve it, you need to change the "-" character to a minus sign ("-").

Here's the corrected code:
if option == "wings":
health = health - 20
print("You can fly!")
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
print("The dinosaur is flying after you!")
print("The dinosaur has overtaken you. Game over.")
if option == "sword":
health = health - 20
print("You now have a sword!")
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
print("Get ready for the fight!")
strikes = random.randint(3, 6)
for i in range(strikes):
print("The dinosaur strikes you!")
health = health - 10
print("You now have", health, "health points.")
if health == 0:
print("You have been mortally wounded. Game over.")
print("You strike the dinosaur!")
print("Finally, the fight is over, and you have survived the attack!")

Please copy and try this updated code. It should resolve the issue you mentioned.